The value of a conversation – finding the right client-designer match

I learned from my marketing mentor many years ago —  if someone really needs your services they are willing to have a conversation with you.

Price is important, but quality is also important.

Everyone has a budget, I get that. There is more than one way to complete a project so let’s talk about options. When you are price shopping, consider if you are comparing apples to apples. If you are simply looking for the cheapest deal, be aware that you get what you pay for. Oftentimes when clients are really concerned about the money, they have a hard time making decisions. Don’t let money rule your choices for marketing your business. We will do everything possible to stay within your budget, but don’t expect a first-class flight to Paris for the price of a bus ticket to Bakersfield.

I can learn a lot about someone’s business by asking questions. I have been around the block long enough to know that giving someone a price before I have at least some of these answers usually means the prospect will move on and continue price shopping. If you think marketing is too expensive, have you explored all your options? Maybe there are other ways to market your business. Your focus should be on who you can help and how you can attract those customers. There is tremendous value of long-term and repeat customers, so don’t forget to include them in your marketing campaigns.

The clients I love to work with have plans…sales goals, presentations to create, and customers to service. They hire me to get them to their end goal. They are always price conscious, but they realize marketing is an investment in their business.

Are you getting business from the customers you really want?

Give us a call at 916-364-1582 if you would like to know how much it will cost for your project, or if you just want to pick my brain about your marketing ideas. Questions don’t cost a thing.

You can also submit the contact form below and we will be in touch.

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business to business marketing

Andrea Raymond is the owner of Appletree Advertising & Design, which has been in business for over 20 years. With experience in website design, graphic design and advertising industry, we help business owners with the tools they need to grow their business. You can schedule a free consultation by contacting us here.

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