When was the last time you updated your WordPress website?
- How long has it been since you have reviewed your website content, is it up to date?
- Does anyone in your company log in to the wordpress software and take care of software updates?
- Do you have a person assigned to creating new content on your website?
Let us help keep you Worry-Free!
You are smart, you are a business owner! Your strengths may not lie in the area of web design and that is OK. We can help you through the process of updating your website and answer your questions. Our services are simple: Help you keep your website up-to-date for better search results, and to increase your profitability.
- Do you worry about website hackers?
- Are you concerned about your competition?
Tell us what you would like most to change about your website.
After a short conversation, we can let you know what it will take to get it done.
Are you ready to have a worry-free website? Call 916-364-2420 or email us today!
Appletree Advertising is based in Northern California, but we service clients all over the U.S.!
A lot of business owners get their website built, and then go on business as usual. Sometimes your website is not an integral part of your sales process, but you can bet your prospects are out there researching you!
If you have a WordPress website that is not being updated regularly, you are putting your website at risk for a hacker intrusion. There are many ways for your website to be hacked, let’s not make it easy for them.
Start Here
We would love an opportunity to help you through the process of updating your website, but first, you should feel comfortable talking with a web designer. If a web designer is not asking you a lot of questions and communicating openly about their process, it is time to get a second opinion.
Website Updates, Monthly or Quarterly
The best way to avoid problems with your website is to keep it updated. This means the wordpress software and the plug-ins. If your software and plug-ins are not updated, your site is at risk for being hacked, AND, features on your website can quit working. It is good practice to visit your website regularly to check in, but you won’t know what needs to be updated until you login to your wordpress dashboard.
How long since you updated your company website?
Is your home page information still relevant, does it reflect current messages that you are using in your sales process?
Review your website critically at least twice a year, and plan how your updates based on sales goals and promotional opportunities. Your website is a living, breathing entity that needs to be included in all your marketing processes!
Content for your website
If you have a special offer that is out of date, or new pictures that need to be added, it is less expensive to take care of everything at one time. Google will favor your site higher in searches if you have content-rich information that is relevant and helpful for your prospects and customers. The days of keyword stuffing are long-gone, and google will actually downgrade your website rating if you have too little content, or if your content is not authentic to your business.
Appletree-Graphics can help you develop content for your website that will help your customers, attract prospects, and keep Google happy.
Purposeful Posting
Where does your business come from? You should only focus on the social media sites where your customers are hanging out, and break up the selling. Post useful content links, or better yet, post back to your website with free e-tools or a special token.
If you would like to learn more about our wordpress website maintenance programs, contact us for a checklist of services we perform to keep your website running at peak performance.