Get help with your graphic design project

We help you get your graphic design project DONE. Presentation materials Graphics for power point slides Special promotions marketing Website updates Email/Blogging Projects Search Engine Optimization and other website marketing You call the shots, we make recommendations Your Project: Our goal is to provide you with your project vision We give you multiple proofs and revisions: You…

Top 10 Healthy Website Tips

Top 10 Healthy Website Tips

How healthy is your website? These healthy website tips can help keep your website running smoothly. Know your password and login for hosting/domain/wordpress. If you can’t log into wordpress, you can’t maintain your site. You should have all billing for domains and hosting in your name. It is very difficult to transfer into your name if someone…

Website Terminology

Website Terminology

Are you overwhelmed thinking about creating or updating your website? Sometimes the website terminology used by designers can overwhelm the conversation. The website terms below can help you have a better understanding of the working parts of your website. Here are some common terms that are used when we discuss projects with clients: [table id=3 /] You…